
Showing posts from March, 2021

Cooter sells a bike.

"Free things always cost you the most" -SR   Lord help me from murdering a fellow human today... I MUST let it out or you'll be reading about me on the news, and I don't mean NPR. I got realistic about my 'motorcycle problem' and posted a few things for sale. One of which is a complete piece of shit, old, beat up, not-registered-for-a-decade, ex-wanna-be racer GSXR-750. From 1989. You remember 1989? I'm old now and had JUST graduated HS for Christ sakes, and this thing has been passed around the prison yard since I was spotting beers at the 7-11. Why not spray paint the whole engine silver from 5 feet away? Day-Glo flames? Mis-spelled "Susuki" in shitty Mandarin? I can't begin to get in the technical detail, but you get the picture. At least $100 in zip ties have died on this bike. Weld the subframe to the frame? Of course! The "why" doesn't matter. I mean there isn't ONE thing thats nice on this turd and it should be put ou...